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To the right will be a real time comparison video of an independent survey firm using Wheel it Off, and all of the other very interesting, very expensive, but different measuring tools.

All of these tools are pretty cool, but none are easier, faster and have the ability to use one finger and upload and image with measurements, shaded zones, as a mobile app than Wheel It Off.  We are simple, fast, inexpensive and integrate with which enables you to create, manage & track proposals and the people who write them from any device connected to the internet.

Owners, Users and Property Owners Beware!

Remember, none of the on line tools are guaranteed to provide exact online measuring  every time, but they are amazing at estimating and using to review measurements, showing clients zones and repairs in the field.

Fact:  Measuring wheels, tape measure, and all of the online measuring tools have a % of error— as well,  users can have a deviation of error as well.  That being said, why would you pay a large fee to get measurements that are not so accurate from a desk?  If you are in the field, with an iPad, now you can verify the accuracy or not, see the conditions etc.  We were using GIS technology for measuring more than 10 years ago.  This is not a tool to depend on for exact accuracy…it is a great presentation & verification tool.  When you are 4% off measuring for paving, concrete, sod, fertilization etc– that will prevent you from being awarded the work…

Measuring online with an iPad for the construction services, landscape, roofing, pest control industry will never be more helpful.

(The above statements of inaccuracy’s are based on real live field demonstrations using gis measuring tools comparing them to tape measure and wheels)

What Others Share?

Here is a comparison completed by GIS Dynamics,  where they compare their product to google earth & bing maps.  Both of which offer online measuring capabilities, and this presenter claims the  measurements of GIS Dynamics are “very similar” to the other tools, but some of the features and functions differ?  View Video Here.  Here is another comparison View Video Here.

We look forward to sharing how you will do more work, connect with your customer faster and better while spending $300 one time for a tool that is mobile, easy to use and even easier to remember how to use on site or behind a desk.  There are many tools everyday that are entering the market.  Join us for a live demonstration so that you can compare what is best for you. LIVE DEMONSTRATION SIGNUP