Why This is The Best Measuring Tool?
- All you need is one finger, $300 on Apple devices or $200 on Android and less than 15 minutes to master it! It is the only online measuring tool that integrates with a simple proposal management tool PavementLayers.com. We also integrate with LandscpaeLayers.com We will be introducing proposal tools for the pest control, roofing and other industries within the next 6 months.
- It works only with Apple & Android. If you don't have a Tablet, go buy one now, it will pay for itself in 1 week! It's Simple. No Frustrations. It's Fast. There is no learning curve.
- Unlimited use. Yep, no fee for each different measurement. No other service does this!
- Integrates easily with PavementLayers.com, the smartest proposal tool for pavement maintenance & construction firms available. Again, no other service offers this!
- You can sit in front of your customer with an iPad and in seconds measure areas to discuss approx costs, budgets etc; saving time & money for you and your customer.
- Spend more time with your family, friends and customers.
How You & Your Customers Benefit?
- You show up prepared saving you, your customer and your company time, money & frustrations.
- Now you can immediately engage with your customer and price areas of their site together. When you can measure, shade add areas, subtract, email images and workups of the site, you are now a valuable resource!
- Hit one button and our tool is live and ready to measure, upload one or many images into PavementLayers.com or LandscpaeLayers.com to provide the fastest, most accurate proposal available.
- Standing on the site. Sitting in your car, office, boat. There is no learning curve and you and your team are using this tool in minutes without the hassle that all the other services require.
- We are experts in providing solutions for online measuring using an iPad or iPhone that will make your life easier...not complicate it
How Does It Compare to Other Tools?
- "I have used many of the fee per use based on line measuring tools available, none of which work on an ipad. I am a contractor in Ohio with over $4 million in revenue. There is no technology that is easier to use with better results for my entire organization than WheelitOff + PavementLayers.com. Thank you! " - Ohio Contractor
- "Who wants to walk around with a tablet, waiting for a computer to boot up in front of a client or out in the field. With Wheel It Off it's you, your iPad and your finger. It is amazing, simple and needs 5 minutes of training! What a GREAT experience!
- "I spent more time figuring out my usage charges with other tools, than measuring. There is none of this with Wheel It Off. It does not have property owners information, but I know what I 'm measuring already? Wheel It Off told me up front that it is not exactly accurate in many cases, now I know the facts! You guys rock!
- "These guys get our business! I recently was able to stand with a President of a firm that owns more than 5,000 apartment units whose time is extremely valuable. In less than 15 minutes "we" put a plan together that was detailed to his needs and won a project over $200K in May 2012. I tried in the past to come with a map prepared from other online map companies and it was nothing close to what I was able to do with WheelitOff.com + PavementLayers.com.
What Are The Limitations?
- No online measuring tool that we have seen provides exact measurements at all times, including our tool Wheel It Off. Most times with Wheel It Off, you can get similiar measurements, but it is vital to note that when measuring for high priced surface like paving & concrete a 1%-3% variance will probably lose the project.
- As you will see on our Compare Online Measuring Tools Page, we are certain Wheel It Off will demonstrate its immediate value.
- At times, the images we have just like other providers, may be a bit out of date. We do the best we can with this, but at this time there is no guarantee of very recent imagery.

View our Proposal System

Create amazing proposals in less than 5-minutes with this amazing tool that will enable you to easily accept images and include in your proposal from WheelitOff.com